Carolina Bay of the Day Blogs

After investing in the creation of over 400 of these posts since 2012, the Google enterprise shuttered the Google + infrastructure in early 2019, and those posts have disappeared forever. To salvage my efforts, I have started the process of re-deploying the information here, on a new web platform of my own design.

You can list all posts converted thus far by location name
Alphabetically or by Date

A KMZ file is available for use with Google Earth is available to reference the Bay of the Day posts geospatially. It includes all posts, so the ones which have not been migrated from Google + do not successfully link to the CBotD page:
Download KMZ
Our Carolina Bay Survey uses a small number of Archetype overlays for capturing bay metrics in Google Earth. The links below will direct the viewer to posts for "Bay of the Day" captured with specific archetype templates:

bayBell bayShore bayOval

bayCarolina baySouth bayWest